Metropolitan Sewerage District Board of Directors

The Metropolitan Sewerage District Board of Directors consists of fourteen (14) members: three from the County of Buncombe, three from the City of Asheville, one from Woodfin Sanitary Water & Sewer District, two from Cane Creek Water & Sewer District, and one each from the Towns of Biltmore Forest, Black Mountain, Montreat, Weaverville and Woodfin. The term of office is three years.

The MSD is a public body organized under the provisions of the North Carolina Metropolitan Sewerage Districts Act, Article 5, Chapter 162A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended. 

View current members and board composition requirements here

Regular Scheduled Meetings

The board oversees the operation of the Metropolitan Sewerage District and holds hearings on related issues. The board meets the third Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m. in the Board Room of the Metropolitan Sewerage District Office, located at 2028 Riverside Dr. The normal length of the meeting is two hours.

For more information, visit Metropolitan Sewage District.


Member contact:  Jerry VeHaun (Chairman)

View current members and board composition requirements here


For more information regarding the Metropolitan Sewerage District Board of Directors, please contact Pam Nolan or 828-225-8268.