How to prevent crimes and protect your family and belongings.
Safety and emergency preparedness

Activities, Tips, Quick Links and More
Keep safe with these fire and life safety helpful resources.

Apply to the Junior Police Academy
Apply to get hands-on experience from the Asheville Police Department. This is designed for applicants aged 14 to18.

Child passenger safety seat assistance
Get help from The Asheville Fire Department with child safety seat installation education and assistance.

Contact a school resource officer
School resource officers help protect our schools and provide guidance to youth about the juvenile court system and programs available to them.

Contact animal control
Contact information for animals in and out of the city limits.

Dispose of prescription medication
Safely discard prescription medication by dropping it off at the Asheville Police Department drop-off box.

Find an incident or crash report
Most crime incident reports and crash reports occurring after January 1, 2003 are available for search and instant download.

Find cold weather emergency shelter
When extreme cold weather is expected, the Asheville Homeless Coalition issues a Code Purple Alert. Participating homeless shelters voluntarily add space beyond their normal capacity to keep as many people as possible out of the cold.

Find information on snow removal
See the priority level for streets to receive snow removal treatment.

Find support for issues related to homelessness
The goal of this page is to provide information and resources for residents and businesses to understand how to respond to issues related to homelessness.

Get a restraining order
Find out who can file for a protection order, what it covers, and where to go if you need one.

Get a smoke alarm installed
How to submit a request for a smoke alarm.

Hire an off duty officer
Information on hiring off duty police officers including rates and contact information.

If you are a victim or witness of a crime
Learn about services available to support those who are recovering from emotional or physical injuries that occurred as a result of a crime or traumatic incident.

Make a home inventory
Learn how having a home inventory is essential to insurance claims or property recovery efforts in case of a disaster, fire, or a burglary.

Obtain a Civil No Contact Order (50c)
Dispute resolution is a term that refers to a number of processes that can be used to resolve a conflict, dispute, or claims.

Participate in National Night Out
Join this annual community-building campaign to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships, and neighborhood camaraderie

Prepare for an emergency
Resources and information to help you prepare for an emergency.

Report a broken or clogged storm drain, flooding issues or request street sweeping
Help keep the city streets free from excess debris and prevent property damage from rainwater runoff.

Report crime using TIP2APD
This new tool, TIP2APD, enables the public to share anonymous tips with police officers and lets officers respond back to create an anonymous two-way conversation.

Report damaged signs and street light outages
You may use The Asheville App to report or view the status of damaged street signs and street light outages.

Request to view body worn camera footage
Learn about the specific instances under NC law under which you may request to view body worn camera footage.

Retrieve property from police
How to retrieve found property that is in possession of the police.
Ride along with a Police Officer
The Asheville Police Department’s ride-along program is available to help community members understand the broad range of police duties and the vital role officers perform. Community members who wish to participate in a ride-along with an APD officer must meet the following requirements: The participant must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. The participant must complete [...]

Sign up for AVL Alert
Keep updated through the City of Asheville on emergency and non-emergency subscriptions.

Sign up for Community Connect
Sign up your household residence with Community Connect to aid first responders and emergency personnel.

Sign up for the Citizen’s Police Academy
Apply for the Citizens Police Academy to learn about the police department and law enforcement.

Submit a tip to the police
Instructions on how to submit an anonymous tip to the police via text, phone, email, or using an online form.

Terrorism awareness information
See Something, Say Something... Report tips and crime to your local law enforcement.

Thank a police department employee
Learn how to let the police department know if you receive service that you feel is worthy of a commendation.

Tips for Crime Prevention on Business and Commercial Properties
Steps to Prevent and Reduce Crime

View crimes near me
The City provides multiple tools to explore crime statistics in your area, such as by neighborhood or within a certain distance from a specific address.

Water quality and advisories
View the yearly water quality report, current advisories and outages, as well as register to be notified of advisories in your area.