The Asheville Police Department is committed to providing a caring, supportive and compassionate level of response to individuals who work and reside in Asheville and to those who visit the city and require law enforcement assistance. Two victim advocates are available within the Victim Services Unit to assist crime victims, witnesses, and their families with needed support and guidance.


Victim and Witness Support


Crisis intervention and a variety of support services may be provided to assist a person who is recovering from emotional and/or physical injuries that occurred as a result of a crime or traumatic incident. The victim advocates strive to assist crime victims in being and feeling safe. They allow victims to share their experiences and provide them with the knowledge of what to expect going forward.



The following services are available free of charge to crime victims and their family members who have been the victim of a crime within the Asheville City limits and have reported the incident to the Asheville Police Department:

  • Personal safety planning and crime prevention information
  • Referrals to agencies that provide emergency food, clothing, shelter, and transportation assistance
  • Referrals to professional counseling and support groups, social services, and criminal justice system agencies for information and services
  • Information on the status of the investigation and the offender’s custody
  • Safety options for individuals who are intimidated, harassed, threatened, or frightened as the result of a crime
  • Assistance in applying for victims’ compensation, when applicable
  • Tips and steps to take when dealing with identity theft
  • Property return assistance


Depending on availability or need, victim advocates may also assist in accompanying victims/witnesses to interviews, photo lineups, and case-related meetings. They may also provide information and emotional support during certain law enforcement and court proceedings.

All services are confidential to the extent consistent with applicable law.

Some individuals, such as family members of a homicide victim, victims of domestic violence or sexual assault, the elderly, and people with a disability, may require specialized attention. The victim advocates reach out to these individuals to assess their needs, connect them with appropriate services, provide case information, guide them through the criminal justice system and assist them in their healing process.


Restraining (50b) Orders and Civil No Contact (50c) Orders

You may wish to consider obtaining a restraining order if you or someone in your family, an intimate partner, or someone you have children with:

  • Injured you or is trying to injure you (physically or sexually).
  • Is threatening to harm you.
  • Is preventing you from going somewhere.
  • Is abusing or has abused minor children (physically or sexually).
  • Is stalking you in a way that makes you feel afraid of getting hurt.

A civil no-contact order is a restraining order that is designed specifically for victims of sexual assault or stalking who do not have a “personal relationship” with the offender. A civil no-contact order can be issued for strangers, neighbors, or acquaintances.

The Victim Services unit or the Buncombe County Family Justice Center can provide you with information on how to obtain a restraining order, a civil no-contact order, as well as how to pursue criminal charges if applicable.


Victim Compensation


Victims of crime, who were not involved in criminal activity and are cooperative with law enforcement, may be reimbursed for financial losses that their insurance company does not cover. Claims are investigated in Raleigh or eligibility determination regarding medical and counseling expenses, funeral expenses, and in some cases, lost wages.

Applications are available online at website, by calling 1-800-826-6200, or through the Asheville Police Department (APD) Victim Services Unit.



Community Resources




Buncombe County Family Justice Center Buncombe County Family Justice Center is an all-in-one service for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse. 828-250-6900
Our VOICE Our VOICE has a 24-hour sexual violence crisis line. 828-255-7576 
Helpmate Helpmate has a 24-hour domestic violence crisis line. 828-254-0516
Mobile Crisis Hotline (C3356) Mobile Crisis Hotline is 24-hour support for persons in crisis. 888-573-1006 
Asheville/Buncombe United Way Asheville/Buncombe United Way is a 24-hour assistance hotline to help to access community resources. Dial  211 or
Pisgah Legal Services Pisgah Legal Services offers free or low-cost legal advice to low-income clients regarding civil cases.  828-253-0406
Asheville-Buncombe Community Christian Ministry (ABCCM) ABCCM has crisis, shelter, medical, and jail ministries.  828-259-5300
Buncombe County Department of Social Services (DSS) Buncombe County DSS offers Medicaid, food stamps, and emergency services. 828-250-5500


Contact Information


The Victim Services Unit is located within the Criminal Investigations Section of the Asheville Police Department. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For assistance, please contact:


Raine Harrison
Victim Services Coordinator

Tammy Jones
Victim Services Coordinator
Family Justice Center