National Terrorism Advisory System


All Americans share responsibility for the nation’s security and should always be aware of the heightened risk of a terrorist attack in the United States and what they should do.

The US Department of Homeland Security regularly releases Alerts through the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS). In 2011, the color-coded alerts were replaced with the bulletin system to communicate information about terrorist threats to the public more effectively.


There are several ways you can receive this information:



See Something, Say Something


The Asheville Police Department encourages everyone to report suspicious activity to local law enforcement. It’s easy to take for granted routine moments in our every day – going to work or school, the grocery store or gas station. But your every day is different than your neighbor’s – filled with moments that make it uniquely yours. So if you see something you know shouldn’t be there – or someone’s behavior that doesn’t seem quite right – say something! Because only you know what’s supposed to be in your everyday.


To learn more about the “See Something, Say Something” campaign, please visit The Department of Homeland Security.