DowntownArchivedWell-planned and Livable Community
The City has identified needed improvements to the Asheville Skate Park located at 50 Cherry Street. These projects include the development of an entry skate plaza, restoration of the amphitheater seating and fencing, and engaging with local artists to enhance the park and re-brand the park through street art.
EastArchivedClean, Safe and Healthy Environment
The City of Asheville Parks & Recreation Department has contracted with Wildlands Engineering, Inc. to complete an assessment and provide preliminary design information of improvements to ensure the long term integrity of the pond, enhance public safety and explore recreational and ecological opportunities that may be compatible with proposed improvements.
Burton StreetWestIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
Asheville Parks & Recreation is collecting input from the Burton Street neighborhood on how to prioritize the spending of $500,000 on new, expanded, and/or updated recreation features in the park that surrounds Burton Street Community Center. This neighborhood investment money has specifically been earmarked for recreation infrastructure improvements in the park.
WestArchivedCompleteWell-planned and Livable Community
Neighborhoods: East West Asheville, Pisgah View Happening Now The new playground opened on August 15, 2024. View the City of Asheville’s active projects. For information about Asheville’s parks and recreation facilities, visit the Asheville Parks & Recreation page. Background As owner of Sulphur Springs Hotel (later changed [...]
DowntownArchivedClean, Safe and Healthy Environment
The City is currently moving forward with the architect to develop construction drawings in order to permit and bid the project for construction. Staff will take the construction bid to council for approval for an anticipated construction start date of summer/fall 2021.
NorthArchivedWell-planned and Livable Community
The City of Asheville and the Grove Park Sunset Mountain Neighborhood Association have been working together to make improvements at three parks located in north Asheville: E.W. Grove Park, Sunset Park and Griffing Rose Garden Park.
SouthArchivedClean, Safe and Healthy Environment
Recent improvements to Jake Rusher Park in south Asheville will be complete with the installation of playable art in the late spring of 2022.
Improvements are currently underway at the Linwood Crump Shiloh Complex including the Community Center, the ballfield area, and park spaces throughout the Complex.
It is anticipated that the project will include a new entry sidewalk, new play equipment and surfacing, repaving the walking path, new park lighting, removal of the bathroom building, refreshed landscaping, improved ADA accessibility and fencing improvements.
CitywideWestAccepting InputClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentWell-planned and Livable Community
City of Asheville officials announced that the outdoor pool in Malvern Hills Park will not open this summer.
DowntownIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy Environment
Beginning in summer 2021, the project will include turf replacement in the stadium, stormwater repairs and upgrades and ADA access to existing stadium seating.
EastArchivedCompleteWell-planned and Livable Community
Murphy-Oakley Park’s updated playground will intentionally address needs of this community through an innovative, inclusively-designed environment supporting physical, social-emotional, sensory, cognitive, and communication development.
CitywideArchivedWell-planned and Livable Community
Outdoor sport court replacements with enhanced features such as new retaining walls, new fencing, new lighting, and improved ADA accessibility were completed at Murphy-Oakley Park (Park District: Southeast), Malvern Hills Park (Park District: West) and Montford Park (Park District: West Central).
Funding from the bond referendum passed in 2016 was used to renovate and replace playgrounds at Herb Watts Park in Southside (Park District: South Central), Leah Chiles Park in Kenilworth (Park District: East Central), and the Augusta Barnett Playground in West Asheville (Park District: West).
CitywideDowntownEastNorthSouthWestArchivedCompleteClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentConnected and Engaged CommunityEquitable and Diverse CommunityWell-planned and Livable Community
Recreate Asheville will serve as a road map for the next 10 years to connect, fix, build, and preserve recreation programs and parkland.
WestArchivedWell-planned and Livable Community
Construction is complete on a new community picnic shelter and restroom facility at Richmond Hill Park. Key features of this project include a covered picnic shelter, winterized restrooms, an updated water fountain with bottle fillers and a pet dish, a new disc golf tee box at hole one, an expanded green space, and new walkways connecting park features.
WestIn Progress
Beginning fall 2023, APR crews and community volunteers plan to increase hiking, walking, and biking options in Richmond Hill Park to include a 1.5-mile spur trail branching off of the existing Purple Trail.
WestIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentWell-planned and Livable Community
In order to expand recreation opportunities in West Asheville, improvements at Roger Farmer Park include court resurfacing and field conversion.
Pickleball and tennis are currently experiencing significant participation increases in Asheville and have ardent supporters advocating for their respective sport. In order to support both racquet sports, all public outdoor hard surface tennis courts in the Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) are now dual-lined shared use courts supporting tennis and pickleball. This short-term solution immediately increases the City of Asheville’s outdoor public pickleball courts from 12 to 22 while retaining all 11 outdoor public hard surface tennis courts.
Splasheville, the very popular interactive splash pad located in Pack Square Park went under a major renovation beginning in spring, 2021 including replacing the controls, wiring and plumbing and repairing or replacing many of the surface tiles and their supporting gridwork.
SouthIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
The City of Asheville purchased a 10.88 acre tract of land owned by Carolina Day School adjacent to their athletic facilities at 2351 Sweeten Creek Road for future natural park development.
Key features of the project included a new playground, expanded parking, new outdoor classroom, room to expand existing orchard, new outdoor table tennis, and new walkways connecting park features.
The City of Asheville Parks & Recreation Department is making improvements to Triangle Park in downtown. The project includes re-sodding grassed areas, installation of an irrigation system throughout the sod areas, mulching under trees and other areas where grass isn’t feasible, limbing and pruning trees for better visibility and replacing the park furnishings such as trash/recycling cans, benches and picnic tables.
SouthSouthside UnitedIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentWell-planned and Livable Community
Improvements are underway in Walton Street Park including parking lot repairs, seasonal tree pruning and the replacement of park benches and grills.
Five PointsGrove Park/SunsetJackson ParkNorthNorwood ParkSpears-HenriettaIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
The project will include rebuilding the tennis courts, resurfacing the basketball court, replacing the park bridge, improving the parking lots, landscaping, and installing new park lighting.
Code Purple in effect for February 18-20