Project Overview
The City of Asheville operates four parking garages in the Downtown Central Business District: the Harrah’s Cherokee Center, Wall Street, Rankin Avenue, and Biltmore Avenue garages.
The facilities were built in 1976, 1988, 1988 and 2011, respectively. As the facilities age the frequency with which they need to be inspected increases. A comprehensive parking facility assessment of all four garages was performed in the first half of 2023. The report identified select repairs and wholesale renovations categorized by priority:
- Immediate Repairs – the most urgent repairs
- Base Repairs – high priority repairs
- Enhancements – medium priority repairs
These repairs are being implemented in phases organized to address the highest priorities first, and with as minimal disruption to parking services as possible. Over the course of the project, parking availability will be limited at times throughout the four garages.
For project dates, timeline, and background information, click the button below.
More InformationContact Information
Nicole George, Project Manager
Jessica Morriss
Transportation, Assistant Director