Last updated or reviewed on September 9, 2024
The City of Asheville is committed to transparent, data-driven decision-making to create equitable outcomes for everyone in our community. Regular reporting on progress toward Council-defined priorities is a key component of that commitment.
Each tab below lists projects from the City of Asheville’s Organizational Work Plan for the given fiscal year, organized by that year’s City Council priorities.
Asheville operates on a fiscal year (FY) basis that runs from July 1 through June 30, with the fiscal year designated by the year in which it ends. Thus, FY23 began on July 1, 2022 and ended on June 30, 2023.
View Council Vision 2036 Focus Areas
The City’s fiscal year runs from July 1 – June 30 each year. Annual reports serve to highlight many of the achievements and successes from throughout the year and the work that was done to fulfill the City Council’s vision and priorities.
Annual Report FY 2023-2024 English Annual Report FY 2023-2024 Spanish
Homelessness Strategies
Equitable and Affordable Housing and Stability
Neighborhood and Climate Resilience
Reimagining Public Safety
Improve and Maintain Infrastructure and Core Services
Employee Compensation
In Fiscal Year 2019-2020, the City contracted with the Archer Company to complete a Total Compensation Study. There were two phases to the study; the first was an analysis of the impact of raising minimum pay to $31,200 for a 40-hour work week, was completed and implemented in the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2019-2020. The second phase, which included an analysis of positions, classifications, salaries, and benefits throughout the City in comparison to the market, was completed in Fiscal Year 2020-2021 and resulted in a number of recommendations, which were implemented in FY 2021-2022.
Utilization of ARPA Funding
In 2021, the Federal Government passed the American Rescue Plan Act allocating $65.1 Billion to help communities recover from COVID-19. The City of Asheville received $26 Million dollars in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. This federal recovery funding was made available to governmental agencies to respond to the economic and public health impacts of COVID-19, to contain the impacts of COVID-19 on our communities, residents, and businesses, and to lay a foundation for a strong and equitable recovery. During Fiscal Year 2021-2022, the City Council had the important task of deciding how to best leverage the use of these ARPA funds to assist with COVID-19 recovery in the community.
Code Purple in effect for February 18-20