Last updated or reviewed on December 16, 2024
Committees review policy matters referred to them, inform and educate Council on existing city programs and issues and review other related matters. City Council Committees will not become involved in city administration but instead are expected to anticipate the full range of considerations and concerns related to various policy questions. When participating on committees, members are expected to temper their role as policy advocates in order to fully evaluate all alternatives.
The Asheville City Channel uploads City Council Committee Meetings to its YouTube channel for easier viewing. Visit The City of Asheville’s You Tube Channel.
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The Boards and Commissions Committee will:
Boards and Commissions Committee meeting details and materials
The Environment and Safety Committee will review policy updates and make policy recommendations that ensure:
Environment & Safety Committee meeting details and materials
The Equity and Engagement Committee will review policy updates and make policy recommendations that ensure
Equity and Engagement Committee meeting details and materials
The Housing and Community Development Committee will:
Housing and Community Development Committee meeting details and materials
The Planning and Economic Development Committee will review policy updates and make policy recommendations that:
Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting details and materials
The Policy, Finance, and Human Resources Committee will hear and review policy updates on:
Policy, Finance & Human Resources Committee meeting details and materials
Effective January 2023, the Governance committee became the Policy, Finance & Human Resources Committee.
Archived Governance Committee meeting details and materials
Effective January 2023, the Public Safety Committee became the Environment and Safety Committee.
Archived Public Safety Committee meeting details and materials
Effective January 2023, the Finance and Human Resources Committee became the Policy, Finance and Human Resources Committee.
Archived Finance and Human Resources Committee meeting details and materials
Code Purple in effect for February 17-19