City of Asheville reminds businesses about safety requirements to operate outdoors 

More businesses and organizations are operating outdoors this year, due to COVID-19. The City of Asheville reminds those with outdoor areas to do their part to operate safely. Beyond wearing a mask and other public health measures, businesses that choose to operate outdoors must follow all building and fire-safety codes while using equipment like heaters [...]

Asheville Santa

Haywood Streetscape Project complete in time for the holidays

The City of Asheville is happy to announce the completion of the Haywood Streetscape and Infrastructure Improvement project, which features expanded public sidewalk space and improved pedestrian access and amenities. The project, which took 10 months of construction, included sewer and water line upgrades in the Haywood Street vicinity (including College Street, Walnut Street and Rankin [...]

share space cartoon

AVL Shares Space extended to Jan. 3 with winter guidelines

The City of Asheville will be extending the AVL Shares Space initiatives through Jan. 3, 2021, in order to continue providing businesses and organizations with opportunities to expand outdoors during COVID-19. In addition to the extension, new guidelines are being provided to participants that address winter-related accommodations and safety requirements.  The goals [...]

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City of Asheville releases revised hotel overlay map as part of updated development standards

Visit the revised Asheville hotel overlay map at this link: Over the last year, the City of Asheville Department of Planning and Urban Design has been developing revisions to the City’s hotel development standards, based upon recommendations from the Urban Land Institute and public input. This week, staff will begin presenting [...]

Hotel FAQ image

City of Asheville shares FAQ about hotel development revisions

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the Hotel Development Survey.  We appreciate your Input!  Here are the answers to many of the questions that were  raised in the survey. Frequently Asked Questions Can the city ban hotels permanently? If someone does not like a particular land use or perceives a use to have negative impacts this does [...]

Photo of construction cranes

City of Asheville launches online survey to guide drafting of hotel development regulations

The City of Asheville Department of Planning & Urban Design is in the process of drafting a new ordinance to regulate hotel development, based on recommendations from the Urban Land Institute through a technical assistance panel public process and ongoing analysis.  As part of the public process, the City is conducting an online survey to engage [...]

Wall Street Garage exterior photo

City to resume parking garage fees Aug. 1, continues initiatives to support businesses 

Beginning Aug. 1, the City of Asheville and Buncombe County will reinstate parking fees for the City- and County-owned parking garages.     On March 18, following the State and Local State of Emergency declarations due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, parking garage and metered parking fees were temporarily suspended in order to support more convenient access [...]

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City of Asheville launches shared streets and parklet programs

The City of Asheville is continuing to support economic recovery by allowing businesses and organizations to use public and private properties more flexibly to align with public health guidelines. As businesses, particularly restaurants, continue to work through capacity constraints and physical distancing guidelines, the City has launched Parklets and Shared Streets as tools to temporarily create [...]

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City of Asheville expands flexibility for business use of sidewalks in addition to private lots

The City of Asheville is committed to advancing ways of using space to support economic recovery and community needs while prioritizing public health and safety, and recognizes the importance of being flexible and nimble as needs and priorities evolve. In response to stakeholder input and public health guidance, the City is launching new initiatives to [...]

Asheville leaders and UNCA students

Medic support area established for downtown public assemblies

Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer, City Manager Debra Campbell, Asheville Police Deputy Chief James Baumstark and Lieutenant Brandon Moore met with UNC Asheville Chancellor Nancy Cable, UNC Asheville students and others who provided medical supplies during Tuesday’s demonstration.   The discussion focused on ways to enhance communication and collaboration. The City of Asheville agreed to reimburse the staff [...]

Showing 37-48 of 100 results