Following April’s “road show” Comprehensive Plan presentations to a dozen boards, commissions and neighborhood groups, the City’s Living Asheville: A Comprehensive Plan for Our Future moves to its final phases toward adoption.
Led by the City’s Planning & Urban Design Department, many hours of local input have helped inform this final draft of the plan. Based on goals set by the community, the plan addresses Asheville’s future by focusing in on these themes:
- Livable built environment
- Resilient economy
- Responsible regionalism
- Healthy community
- Interwoven equity
- Harmony with the natural environment
The Comprehensive Plan Update is designed to guide decision-making as Asheville experiences growth in the future. What do we want our development to look like? How can Asheville grow while retaining quality of life, its livable qualities for walkability and improved ease of getting around? What are our opportunities to incorporate placemaking along the way? The plan aims to address these questions and many more related to them.
Public hearing schedule
After a robust public engagement process and many revisions made based on community input, Living Asheville: A Comprehensive Plan for Our Future is poised for adoption. Here is the schedule:
- June 6, Planning & Zoning Commission: The commission will consider its recommendation to City Council for the plan’s adoption. The commission meets at 5 p.m. in the First Floor Conference Room, City Hall.
- June 19, Asheville City Council: The plan will go before Council for consideration of its adoption.
Once the plan is adopted the work doesn’t stop there. City staff will develop an action plan to implement Living Asheville, which may include zoning recommendations and other solutions based upon the plan’s priority strategies.