Information about disposing of large or unusual items such as furniture, household hazardous waste, or appliances. As well as instructions for brush, leaves, or Christmas trees.
Trash, recycling and city upkeep
Information on what can be recycled, how to prepare items for collection, and composting.

Find information on snow removal
See the priority level for streets to receive snow removal treatment.

Find your trash or recycling schedule
Determine your trash and recycling collection schedules based on your address, view collection area maps, and print your schedule.

Holiday schedule updates
View holiday collection schedules to see how holidays will impact your recycling, trash, or other collection services.

Keep Bears Out of Your Trash
Useful tips for keeping bears out of your trash and co-existing with these curious creatures.

Litter Programs
Join the Adopt-a-Street Program to help reduce litter in the City of Asheville.

Report a broken or clogged storm drain, flooding issues or request street sweeping
Help keep the city streets free from excess debris and prevent property damage from rainwater runoff.

Report a missed pickup, a pothole, hydrant leaks, and sidewalk safety issues
Report issues with city upkeep such as missed trash or recycling pickups, potholes, sidewalk issues, street light outages, vandalized street signs, and more.

Report a pothole in a city street
Potholes – We’re Working on It! Maintaining the over 400 miles of road within the City of Asheville is a top priority. Currently, there are a number of pending requests for street maintenance, and the City wants to share the process for fulfilling these requests. Prioritizing Safety First When it comes to paving requests, safety is our utmost concern. [...]

Report a stormwater violation
Report if a storm drain is carrying anything other than rain water.

Report damaged signs and street light outages
You may use The Asheville App to report or view the status of damaged street signs and street light outages.

Report graffiti
How to report graffiti to get it removed.

Reserve a Bear Resistant Trash Cart
The City of Asheville is implementing a pilot program to provide bear-resistant trash carts to residents. There are a limited number of carts available for the pilot program - you can sign up to be put on a waiting list for the next available carts.

Right of Way Maintenance
To request mowing or tree trimming in the city streets’ rights-of-way, use the Asheville App or call 828-259-5852.

Sidewalk Repairs
Damaged or uneven sidewalks are unsightly and can be a hazard. To report a sidewalk in need of repair, use the Asheville App or call 828-259-5852.