Learn how to safely and securely bicycle in Asheville
Bikes, buses and cars
Transit information including maps, schedules, fares, and service alerts

Apply for a parking permit
Obtain a permit to park downtown, in a residential area or in spaces reserved for people with disabilities.

Child passenger safety seat assistance
Get help from The Asheville Fire Department with child safety seat installation education and assistance.

Enjoy Greenways
Explore an interactive map of the Asheville's greenways and learn how to use them for your recreation and transportation enjoyment.

Find an incident or crash report
Most crime incident reports and crash reports occurring after January 1, 2003 are available for search and instant download.

Find available parking in downtown garages
Find up-to-the-minute information on parking availability for six parking garages in downtown Asheville.

Park in a parking garage or parking lot
Garages are great for longer daily duration parking, as well as for monthly parking.

Park on the street
Information about metered on-street parking and loading zones.

Pay or appeal a parking citation
Learn how to easily pay a citation, and details on how to appeal a citation.

Request a temporary downtown parking space closure
Learn how to temporarily close a metered parking space for non-routine business such as construction, moving, or cleaning.

Secure your bike while you shop, work, or sleep
Bike lockers provide security for your bike while you shop, work, or sleep

Streets, sidewalks, lanes, and greenways closures map
This map details active filings for street closures submitted to the City of Asheville