Last updated or reviewed on February 12, 2025
To access documents from previous city council meetings, go to our Meeting Materials page.
Please note: Agenda items are current at time of posting. Items may be changed, updated or added after initial posting. Please refresh your computer to see any revisions.
Orden del día en español
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 143-318.13 this will be a remote worksession which the public can access by any of the following means found at
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 143-318.10 this will be an in-person meeting which the public can access by any of the following means found at
Hearing Loop technology for assistive listening is available in Council Chambers.
Pledge of Allegiance
I. Proclamations:
II. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of the combined minutes of the agenda briefing worksession held on February 6, 2025, and the formal meeting held on February 11, 2024. Documents
III. Presentations and Reports:
A. Manager’s Report
IV. Public Hearings:
City Council has Established the Following Time Limits for Public Hearings:
VI. Unfinished Business:
VI. New Business:
VII. Informal Discussion and Public Comment
VIII. Adjournment
Maggie Burleson, City Clerk 828-259-5601
DRAFT 8-week agenda – Contains Preliminary Items That Change Frequently. This draft 8-week agenda is updated every Tuesday. Please contact City Clerk Maggie Burleson at if you have questions.
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Code Purple in effect for February 13-14