Happening Now


Update: This project is complete. Monitor Solar Energy Generation on this page.


The City of Asheville and Buncombe County are contracting with M.B. Haynes to install solar photovoltaic power generating systems (“PV Systems”) at 45 sites throughout the county. Construction will occur between March 2021 – February 2022 at several local public agencies, including the City of Asheville, Buncombe County, AB Tech, Buncombe County Schools and Asheville City Schools.

The four City sites are Burton Street Community Center, Shiloh Recreation Center, Fire Station 10 and Fire Station 11. The 45 sites have an estimated cumulative capacity of 7MW.



Following the adoption of a 100% renewable energy goal for City operations by 2030 and supporting the County-wide goal of 100% renewable energy by 2042 the City and County partnered to engage a consultant to develop “Moving to 100%”, a roadmap of options for the City and County to reach our 100% renewable energy goals. One of the recommendations in this report was to partner and solicit one vendor to install solar on both City and County properties. This is referred to as aggregated procurement (think bulk purchasing).

In September 2019 City Council approved an interlocal agreement with Buncombe County to conduct site assessments for viable onsite solar projects and issue a joint request for proposals (which we refer to as a construction bid). Since this time AB Tech, Asheville City Schools and Buncombe County Schools have also joined the initiative resulting in 45 project sites with a total of 7MW.



  • October 23, 2018: City Council adopts Resolution 18-279 establishing a 100% renewable energy goal
  • September 24, 2019: City Council adopts Resolution 19-214 approving an interlocal agreement with Buncombe County to conduct feasibility site assessments and issue a joint request for proposals for onsite solar systems
  • November 2019: Moving to 100% report is finalized
  • April 8, 2020: Invitation for construction bids for onsite solar systems is issued on the Buncombe County website
  • June 19, 2020: Construction bids are due to Buncombe County
  • July 21, 2020: Buncombe County Commission votes to fund solar installations on County, AB Tech, Buncombe County Schools and Asheville City Schools
  • July 28, 2020: Asheville City Council votes to enter into a contract with M.B. Hayes to install solar at four City sites
  • August 1, 2020: Notice to Proceed or Contract Award Date
  • August 2020 – March 2021: Interconnection and permitting approval process with Duke Energy and the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ)
  • July 2021 – January 2022: Construction of City of Asheville projects
  • February 1, 2022: Commercial Operation Date


Supporting Documents

Solar Installation Press Release

Final Report: Moving to 100 Percent: Renewable Energy Transition Pathways
Resolution 18-279 City of Asheville 100% Renewable Energy Goal
Resolution 17-12-06 Buncombe County 100% Renewable Energy Goal
Resolution 19-214 Interlocal Agreement with Buncombe County
Staff Report for Contract with M.B. Haynes 


Frequently Used Terms

  • Aggregated Procurement: Grouping together demand for commonly purchased goods and services (in this case solar panels) to harness greater economies of scale when procuring from the marketplace.
  • Megawatt (MW): a unit of power, equal to one million watts
  • Request for Proposals (RFP): A solicitation process, often through competitive bidding, to obtain supplier proposals with the intent to contract for procurement.



Contact Information

Bridget Herring, Sustainability Director




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