After multiple opportunities for public input, the Asheville in Motion (AIM)* plan draft was made available to the public in December 2015. Since that time, the consultants have worked to incorporate both public and staff input into the plan. Now, the AIM planning process has ended and a final draft is now available until May 8.
To help explain the plan and how it will be used, we have have created a five minute video, embedded below. The City has also launched an Open City Hall community forum, where citizens can watch the video, follow a link to read the plan, and then give feedback on the draft plan.
A presentation about the AIM plan will be made at the Planning & Economic Development Committee meeting on April 19 at 3:30 p.m. and to the Multimodal Transportation Commission on April 27.
On May 8, the AIM page at Open City Hall will close. City Council will hold a public hearing before considering its adoption later this spring.
About the AIM plan
*The AIM Plan is an important community-driven step to absorb and enhance growth in a way that balances travel needs and creates true choices among the City’s mobility options. The City’s expressed goal is to create an effective and progressive plan that encourages health-oriented and sustainable transportation, reduces barriers to access transportation, and connects residents and visitors with the places they want and need to go with improved safety, efficiency and accessibility.
Find more information on the Asheville in Motion project page.