Help shape Asheville by serving on a City board or commission

committee meeting
serve on a Commission, Committee or Board


Looking for a way to get involved in local government and play a part in shaping the future of Asheville? Serving on a City of Asheville board or commission is a great place to start. More than 250 people serve on 35 advisory boards and help guide policy decisions for the City of Asheville. Put your perspective, leadership and knowledge to work by serving on one of many City advisory committees.

Currently there are openings on four committees or boards.

For an application form, please visit of City’s Boards and Commissions webpage or contact the City Clerk’s Office at 828-259-5839 or

The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. April 1, unless otherwise noted.


CITIZENS-POLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE — This vacancy must be filled by a Housing Authority property resident, please indicate residence on application form.  Duties include, but are not limited to: (1) serving as liaison between the police and community over concern; (2) to mediate problems or conflicts; (3) to serve as an advocate for programs, ideas, and methods to improve the relationship between the police and the community; and (4) to disseminate information to the community and to the government officials in Asheville.


PUBLIC ART & CULTURAL COMMISSION — The Commission is responsible for promoting and maintaining art displays in public buildings and public spaces in the City of Asheville.  In addition the Commission (1) facilitates public art in public buildings and public spaces; (2) engages the creative sector as a major attraction for artists, cultural tourism and economic development; (3) encourages public confidence for and appreciation of the arts in Asheville; (4) works to build partnerships and collaborations throughout Asheville’s creative community; and (5) aids in strengthening the organizational structure of public and cultural arts delivery.  The Public Art and Cultural Commission shall follow its Public Art Policy and Implementation Guidelines as modified and/or amended every five years; and (6) recommends to City Council the acceptance of works of art.


TREE COMMISSION— The commission is responsible for fostering the preservation, planting, replacement and removal of trees without denying the reasonable use and enjoyment of real property. In addition, the Commission (1) facilitates the planting, growing and protection of trees within the city; and (2) conducts continuing research, planning and feasible assessments required to promote and enforcement Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances regarding the regulation of planting, protection, preservation and removal of trees.


TRANSIT COMMITTEE —  The committee functions as an advisory board to the Multimodal Transportation Commission and to the City staff on matters affecting the transit system and its operation.  All Transit Committee members are appointed by the Multimodal Transportation Commission. The terms of office are three years.  For an application form, please visit the Transit webpage or contact Transit Project Coordinator, Marcela Moreno at for more information. This vacancy is open until filled.


Please visit of City’s Boards and Commissions webpage or contact the City Clerk’s Office at 828-259-5839 or by e-mail at for more information.