City Hall parking

Gated parking resumes at Marjorie and Valley Street parking lots

  The City of Asheville provides dedicated parking for City staff at two surface lots, one on Marjorie Street and the other on Valley Street behind City Hall. During the COVID pandemic, these lots have been open to the public 24/7. As City Hall has reopened, the gates to these lots are now closed again during [...]

City Hall photo with flag

Asheville Sanitation, ART bus schedules altered for Labor Day holiday

City of Asheville government will be closed Sept. 7 for Labor Day. City facilities remain closed to the public at this time, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, though some parks have reopened. During this public health emergency, City employees have continued their work, some in the field, such as in sanitation, water, transit, fire and police, [...]

4th of July Holiday schedule with stars

City of Asheville announces Fourth of July holiday schedule

  In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, which is on a Saturday this year, City of Asheville offices will be closed July 3. ART bus service will operate on a reduced holiday schedule July 4. The Fourth of July holiday is one of six holidays throughout the calendar year that ART offers bus service. For [...]

Asheville City Hall

City of Asheville government to close for spring holiday April 10, ART buses to run on holiday schedule  

City of Asheville government will be closed Friday, April 10, as part of its spring break holiday. City facilities remain closed to the public at this time, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During this public health emergency, City employees have continued their work, some in the field, such as in sanitation, water, transit, fire and police, [...]

City Council meeting graphic

Asheville City Council meeting to be held following CDC, state and local guidelines

Top priority is to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and avoid overwhelming our healthcare network As the City of Asheville continues to work through the COVID-19 public health emergency,  we want to make our residents aware of our modified operations, especially regarding how they can participate in their City government. Taking into consideration CDC, N.C. Department of Health [...]

Photo of hemlock beside City Hall

Hemlock tree beside City Hall removed and replaced

  A declining hemlock tree beside Asheville City Hall will be removed and replaced with a new tree. The Public Works Tree Crew is carrying out the removal and stump grinding in coordination with the City’s planting contractor to facilitate immediate replacement. This blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica) was planted after the hemlock was removed. It matches a blackgum tree [...]

photo of Asheville City Hall

Asheville City offices to close for MLK Jr. Day, ART buses will run on a holiday schedule

  Asheville City government offices will be closed Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Here is a look at City services affected and a special event downtown that day.   Trash and recycling Though City offices will be closed, Sanitation Services will run on schedule. Residential trash and recycling will be collected as [...]

City hall with winter barren trees

City of Asheville announces winter break holiday closings

ART bus suspended on Dec. 25, runs on holiday schedule New Year’s Day Asheville City government offices will be closed Dec. 24, 25 and 26 and Jan. 1 in observance of the winter holiday break and New Year’s Day. The following is a roundup of services affected by holiday closures. ART bus service City bus service will be suspended starting [...]

Asheville City Hall in fall

City of Asheville offices close for Thanksgiving holiday

ART bus service suspended on Thanksgiving Day as well   Asheville City government offices will be closed Thursday, Nov. 28, and Friday, Nov. 29, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Here is a roundup of City service holiday schedules.   ART bus service ART bus service will be suspended Nov. 28, in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. Thanksgiving is [...]

Asheville City Hall, flag flying in foreground

Asheville City offices to close for Memorial Day

ART buses to run on holiday schedule Asheville City government offices will be closed Monday, May 27, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. Though City offices will be closed, Sanitation services will run on schedule. Trash and recycling will be collected as normal on May 27. The Sanitation Division will not collect brush on Memorial Day. ART [...]

Showing 109-120 of 147 results