Turtle Creek Apartments fire updates and photos ***UPDATED***

From an Asheville Fire Department press release: Units of the Asheville Fire Department responded to a reported residential structure fire at 23 Foxfire Drive, Turtle Creek Apartments on December 7, 2010 at approximately 2:00 am. The first arriving unit reported heavy smoke and soon after reported heavy fire conditions as well. AFD firefighters rescued 3 victims [...]

Public safety communications rely on diverse infrastructure

In the world of communications, diversity means increased reliability.  The city of Asheville uses a number of telecommunication tools to ensure public safety communications are in line with making Asheville the safest city in America when compared to cities of similar size. Information about the city’s public safety delivery systems is highly sensitive due to its [...]

Air quality grant funds fire engine emission reduction upgrades

Twenty fire engines from departments throughout Buncombe County – including four trucks from the Asheville Fire Department – have been outfitted with equipment that drastically cuts back on their emissions of particulate matter, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. The upgrades, announced November 19 at Fire Station One in downtown Asheville, come thanks to a $31,500 North Carolina [...]

Asheville firefighters stay on top of training opportunities

When your job can involve any dangerous scenario from burning buildings to high-rise rescues, you never stop preparing, says Asheville Fire Department Division Chief of Safety and Training Barry Hendren. “We’re always ready to do training for the unexpected,” says Hendren. “It just helps us be better prepared for what comes our way.”   In recent months, the [...]

Asheville Fire Department teaches smoke alarm safety in Asheville schools

A working smoke alarm can be a lifesaver in the home. That is the message being spread this month by the Asheville Fire Department through educational events and visits to area schools. “We have seen many families who have safely escaped danger because their smoke alarms alerted them about a fire” says Kelley Webb, AFD Fire [...]

City of Asheville Fire stations become first municipal buildings outfitted with solar technology

Fire stations in East and West Asheville will soon get their hot water from newly installed solar panels, announced the City of Asheville’s Office of Sustainability. On September 16, technicians from Asheville-based Sundance Power Systems installed two collector panels atop Asheville Fire and Rescue’s Station 8 on Tunnel Road. Similar panels were set to be [...]

Asheville Fire Department Sept. 11 memorial service and recognition of firefighters

On Saturday, September 11, members of the Asheville Fire Department and their families gathered at the Grove Park Inn to participate in a ceremony commemorating firefighters who served and died in the 2001 attacks at the World Trade Center in New York City. The ceremony was presided over by Asheville Fire Chief Scott Burnette, who [...]

Asheville Fire and Rescue takes to bikes to stay mobile during Bele Chere

The streets are closed and crowded during Bele Chere, but that can’t stop Asheville Fire and Rescue from being able to get to people if there is a problem that needs its attention. That’s why two pairs of City of Asheville firefighters are roving the festival on bicycles. Bele Chere marks the only regular event [...]

The Heat is On: Take care to prevent heat-related illness

So far this summer, temperatures in Asheville have been flirting with record highs. And with plenty of upcoming outdoor events like Bele Chere to choose from, the City of Asheville is asking people to be aware of the ways to prevent heat related illnesses as well as recognize their symptoms. Whether working or playing, overexposure to [...]

One-stop Development Services shop brings permitting under one roof

As anyone who works in the development industry, or for that matter, has tried to expand on an existing home can tell you, running the gauntlet of required permits in any city can be a long and complicated process. The City of Asheville’s Development Services Center at 161 South Charlotte represents an initiative across city [...]