Happening Now

The Stormwater Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Program of the City of Asheville Public Works Department is preparing contract and bid documents for relining the existing culverts that run under Shiloh Park. 

In February, representatives from the Stormwater CIP program attended the Shiloh Community Association’s monthly meeting to share this project with the residents.



three culvert pipes with muddy waterThe three existing corrugated metal culverts, each approximately 6’ wide by 4’ tall,  run from just south of Hampton Street, northeasterly across the ball field, then outlet south of the bathroom building.  

Over the years, the bottom of the culverts started rusting out in many spots, which has caused a depression in the ground at the walking track, near the Hampton Street side.  

Temporary repairs have been made in the past, but now it is time for a longer-term solution.  Relining is a potential solution that allows the pipe rehabilitation to occur without having to dig up the baseball field.  Relining requires less large machinery and creates less impacts to the neighborhood.  It also has the benefit of creating a high performance, high strength pipe within the existing pipe.



Winter – Spring 2022/2023:  Prepare contract and bid documents

Spring 2023:  Advertise bid for project

Summer 2023:  Start Construction


Click here to view Site Aerial Map for Project

Click here for Graphic of Spincast


Contact Information

Valerie Welbourn, Project Manager

Amy Deyton PE, Interim Stormwater Division Manager

Stormwater Services, 828-232-4567



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