Completed 2019

This project involved grading and removal of sediment from the site to improve flood capacity near Azalea Road and John B. Lewis Soccer Fields.   Work included erosion control, grading, removal of sediment, and reseeding to establish ground cover.

Restoration of this area to the designed conditions help mitigate upstream flood impacts from the Swannanoa River.



The Swannanoa River, flowing from Black Mountain to its confluence with the French Broad River in West Asheville, is one of Asheville’s major stream corridors and can be greatly affected by heavy rain events. 

In 2014, the City of Asheville commenced construction on Phase 1 of the Lake Craig/Azalea Road Improvements Project in an effort to better manage high water during flood events and create new and improved infrastructure for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists at one of the City of Asheville’s most popular park complexes.

Part of this project involved lowering a streamside multi-use field to the east of the Gashes Creek Bridge to create a floodplain bench (also referred to as a sediment bench) allowing high waters a place to expand when the Swannanoa River rises to its banks.




  • January:  Project planning
  • May:  Flood Permit received from the City of Asheville
  • July:  Section 404 Environmental Permit(for stream impacts) received from United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE)
  • July:  401 Water Quality Certification (for stream impacts) received from NC Division of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)
  • Summer:  Survey, construction drawings, permitting
  • August:  Advertising, bidding, and start of construction
  • November:  Project complete


Lake Craig before project - during a large rain event
Before – during a large rain event
lake craig after project during rain event
After – during a large rain event



Contact Information

Valerie Welbourn, Project Manager

Stormwater Services



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