Partnership brings community fridge with free fresh food to Southside neighborhood

table of fresh vegetables and canned food

The City of Asheville is pleased to announce a growing partnership with Southside Community Farm to provide access to fresh, free food at Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Community Center.  A new “Free Fridge” was installed inside the community center and will be stocked with fresh food and maintained by Southside Community Farm staff and volunteers.  

Advancing Community Goals

This community effort seeks to increase access to fresh food and aligns with many City priorities and goals including the Municipal Climate Action Plan’s goal 3 “The City Supports Sustainability and Resilience for Area Residents and Businesses,” the Climate Justice Initiative, and the Climate Emergency Declaration.

Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) has long seen the value of using community centers and parks as places to access healthy foods, support existing food projects, and promote nutrition programming. Multiple centers and parks host seed libraries, community gardens, monthly “supermarkets” with fresh produce and healthy foods, and free weekday lunches for older adults. Recreate Asheville, APR’s 10-year plan, lists a key goal to maintain and expand projects that improve food access in its Community Health and Wellness section.

Free Fridge Info Sessioncommunity refrigerator at Grant Center

Interested community members are invited to a “Free Fridge Info Session” on Saturday, February 1 from 11am-1pm at Grant Southside Center on 285 Livingston Street. Attendees will learn about the Free Fridge program, help make sandwiches to distribute, and find more opportunities to volunteer in support of increased food access in our community.

The Free Fridge is available to all and open during Grant Southside Center operating hours

For more information about Southside Community Farm and their many food access and justice initiatives visit their website.