Help shape Asheville by serving on a City board or commission

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Looking for a way to get involved in local government and play a part in shaping the future of Asheville? Serving on a City of Asheville board or commission is a great place to start.


Through a variety of boards and commissions established by Asheville City Council, citizens can provide input on the policies that shape their government and their city. There are currently more than 30 boards and commissions that advise the Mayor and City Council on an array of issues.

Put your perspective, leadership and knowledge to work by serving on one of many City advisory committees. Being on a board or commission does require a significant personal commitment, however, so applicants should consider their ability to commit their time and personal energy before applying.

Currently there are openings on six committees or boards. For safety, during the COVID-19 pandemic boards and commissions are meeting remotely through the City’s Virtual Engagement Hub.

For an application form, please visit of City’s Boards and Commissions webpage or contact the City Clerk’s Office at 828-259-5839 or

Unless otherwise stated, the application deadline for these vacancies 5 p.m. Nov. 23. City Council is scheduled to make appointments at the Dec. 8 Council meeting.


Current openings

ABC BOARD – The members oversee the operation and administration of the ABC system.

HOMELESS INITIATIVE ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Duties of the commission include, but are not limited to: 1) Serve as an advisory body, in collaboration with the Asheville-Buncombe Homeless Coalition, to the Asheville City Council or its designated subcommittee for the NC 501 Continuum of Care; 2) Address homelessness through a coordinated community‐based process of identifying needs and building a system of housing and services that meet those needs; 3) Foster a community‐wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; and 4) Secure funding and make recommendations for allocations to support efforts to quickly re‐house individuals and families who are homeless, which minimizes the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness.

NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE –​ There are two open seats: 1) required representative from 28804; and 2) required representative from 28805. Please indicate zip code on application. The committee was established to advise the City Council on neighborhood needs within the City of Asheville’s zoning and planning jurisdiction. The committee works to strengthen neighborhood identity and resilience by facilitating communication and cooperation between Asheville’s neighborhoods and City offices. The committee also works on special projects as assigned or directed by the City Council.

HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION OF ASHEVILLE – Duties of the commission include, but are not limited to: (1) Make policy recommendations to the City Council which promote and improve human relations and advance equity in the City; (2) Support the City’s Office of Equity and Inclusion; (3) Provide a forum where residents can raise issues and complaints relating to human relations in the City; (4) Engage the community regarding the utilization of City-funded programs and policies for the promotion of human relations; and (5) Promote and improve human relations and advance equity in the following areas: public safety; educational, art and cultural opportunities; economic development; health and human services; and housing. Eligible applicants are required to submit a Human Relations Commission Form, in addition to the Boards and Commission application.

GREENWAY COMMITTEE – Notice: This vacancy is open until filled.
The Committee functions as an advisory board to the Multimodal Transportation Commission and City staff on implementation of a system of greenways within Asheville.  The Committee’s role is to function as an advisory committee to the City’s greenway program while educating and engaging the public and advocating for funding. The Greenway Committee consists of at least seven members and up to eleven members. All are appointed by the Multimodal Transportation Commission. The term of office is three years.  Notice: For an application form, please visit the Greenway Committee webpage, or contact Lucy Crown.

TRANSIT COMMITTEE – Notice: This vacancy is open until filled.  The Committee functions as an advisory board to the Multimodal Transportation Commission and to the City staff on matters affecting the transit system and its operation.  The Transit Committees consists of at least seven members and up to eleven members. All Transit Committee members are appointed by the Multimodal Transportation Commission. The terms of office are three years.  Notice: For an application form, please visit the Transit webpage, or contact Marcela Moreno for more information.


Application process

Determine which board or commission interests you. Board and commission meetings are open to the public, so potential applicants are encouraged to sit in on monthly meetings. Meeting dates, times and locations vary, and are available on individual web pages.


Qualifications for appointees to boards and commissions shall be residents of the City of Asheville, unless otherwise specified or provided for by law or Council action.


Complete an application by filling out the board or commission application form. Notice: There is an additional human relations application form if you are interested in serving on the Human Relations Commission.

Confirm receipt, after your application is received, you will receive a receipt of application e-mail. If you do not receive that receipt within a day after submittal, please contact to make sure that your application has reached the City Clerk’s Office.


When vacancies occur, the City Council will review the resource list and schedule interviews. You will be contacted directly if it is necessary for you to interview for an appointment.


Wait for a vacancy if one is not currently open. Once an application is received, the City will place your name on the resource list for the particular board. Applications are held on file for consideration for one year. Want to be notified when new vacancies are announced? Contact to be added to the distribution list.