Downtown Asheville update: 33-35 Page Avenue

On March 8, 2016, Asheville City Council voted to proceed with the demolition of a City-owned building at 33-35 Page Avenue.


The contractor began abatement work on August 3 to remove hazardous materials. That work is expected to be completed within the next one to two weeks. A fence has been installed around the property, including the adjacent parking lot, which is closed during abatement and demolition. The contractor is responsible for notifying all surrounding business owners before demolition begins.


The target date to begin the demolition process is August 22. The site will be prepared and vibration monitors will be set up on that day. Demolition is expected to take place August 23 and should be completed within one day (4 hours), using an excavator. There will be traffic and pedestrian control during demolition. The contractor will then remove concrete and brick materials, and begin hauling in fill material if necessary.


Once the building materials are removed (expected by August 25), grading will be completed, and topped with 4 inches with washed stone (3/4 inch gravel/stone pieces) flush with the connecting sidewalk.


The fencing will be removed the following week (of August 29) and the lot will remain a flat, open area.


For more information on the future of this site, please visit the Haywood Street Visioning project page.