Core sampling of downtown City building to produce short, but loud, noise

Asheville Municipal Building
The Asheville Municipal Building, 100 Court Plaza, houses both the City police and fire departments.

Downtown workers and visitors may notice some unusual activity in front of the Asheville Municipal Building, 100 Court Plaza, this week. Concrete core sampling will take place in the floor of the apparatus bay of Fire Station #1 and in the apron at the front of the building on March 11-12 (alternate rain dates are March 19-20). 

Terracon Consulting Engineers will be conducting the proactive sampling to determine the composition of the concrete and assess what level of preventative maintenance is required. Station #1 fire trucks and apparatus will be temporarily relocated during testing hours. Parking in front of the building (with the exception of one handicap space) will also be unavailable during testing.

The sampling will require the use of a core drill and it will be quite loud while the core sampling is taking place. Please be patient with this temporary inconvenience. The City of Asheville strives to manage and maintain our facilities in a safe and fiscally responsible manner.