City to resume parking garage fees Aug. 1, continues initiatives to support businesses 

Wall Street Garage exterior photo
Wall Street Parking Garage


Beginning Aug. 1, the City of Asheville and Buncombe County will reinstate parking fees for the City- and County-owned parking garages.  


On March 18, following the State and Local State of Emergency declarations due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, parking garage and metered parking fees were temporarily suspended in order to support more convenient access to downtown goods and services. As activity increased, the City re-introduced metered parking fees, alongside rolling out curbside pick-up zones in May, but kept the parking garages free while many businesses worked toward re-opening.


The City continues to roll out creative ways to support safe economic recovery of our community during this public health crisis.

Current Initiatives to support business operations and safe customer access include:


For more information, visit the Parking Services webpage on the City of Asheville website.