City of Asheville seeking public input on the South Slope Vision Plan

cover of south slope plan document
South Slope


The City of Asheville Planning and Urban Design Department has completed the South Slope Visioning Plan, and the draft is now available for the public to review and provide comments.


The South Slope Visioning began in  late 2017 and is a planning process led by the City of Asheville with the community and business stakeholders in the South Slope to develop a long term vision for the area.  The draft plan covers some of the commercial areas, some of downtown, but not the nearby residential areas.


The Plan:

The Plan, “South Slope: A Southside Neighborhood.” provides a visionary framework to help guide continued long-term development, and provides an essential tool that will be used across the City’s departments. It creates a vision for the area bringing together the history, current context, community input, city goals, and best practices for the growth of cities. 

The plan for the “South Slope: A Southside Neighborhood” has ten initiatives classified around five core themes:

Quality Built Environment
Unique and Inclusive sense of place
Strong Local Economy
Multimodal Transportation
Strategic Infrastructure and Natural Environment

We want your input


The Survey: 

The survey for this project will be open for comments until March 28. Staff want to hear from the community  if there’s something missing from the plan. The site is organized in several sections so it is easier for residents to navigate the plan or just read a topic of interest. Just click on a tab, explore the content, and tell us what you think. You can provide comments on the whole plan, or just to the sections that matter most to you.  

Once the plan is finalized, it will be presented to the City Council for adoption. Staff will then work with the community to implement the community’s vision for the South Slope.