City of Asheville Capital Projects Department launches two surveys on upcoming sidewalk improvements

Johnston Boulevard

Beginning Sept. 1, the City of Asheville is looking to engage residents on two sidewalk improvement projects. While the survey does not ask for preferences on the design, the comments collected will help staff understand nearby residents’ needs and concerns. 


The sidewalk improvements will take place in east and west Asheville. The Capital Projects Department proposes constructing a sidewalk along the west side of Onteora Boulevard between Lincoln Avenue and Raleigh Road and another sidewalk along Johnston Boulevard. These projects aim to improve mobility, safety, and continuity for pedestrians on City streets and provide pedestrian connections to local schools. 


On Onteora Boulevard, contractors will install 2,000 linear feet of new 6-foot sidewalk along the west side of the roadway with a striped crosswalk used to connect the new sidewalk to the existing sidewalk on the northern end of the project. The project will also install ADA ramps, and curb cuts will allow accessibility across the intersecting side streets.


The Johnston Boulevard project will install 4,500 linear feet of a new 6-foot sidewalk along the roadway’s alternating sides. Striped crosswalks will connect the new sidewalk when crossings are needed, and ADA ramps and curb cuts will be installed.


To provide staff your feedback on these sidewalk improvements, please visit:




Construction was scheduled to begin on Onteora Boulevard in fall 2020 (and on Johnston Boulevard in Summer 2021), but both projects are likely to be delayed. North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) contributes a portion of the funding for these projects. Recent budget shortfalls have meant that NCDOT has placed holds on many projects, including these two projects. However, the City wants to engage the public now, so we are shovel ready when funds become available. Construction cannot begin until the NCDOT hold has been lifted.