City of Asheville asking for input on downtown public space management

Pack Square sidewalk uses



Downtown Asheville is buzzing with activity. The streets and sidewalks provide space for everyone and everything — from buskers and outdoor dining to shoppers, construction activity and more.


Since the City’s Downtown Master Plan was completed in 2009, there has been a lot of growth and increased activity downtown, including more demands for use of limited street and sidewalk space. City staff are working with a committee of the Downtown Commission to develop guidelines for managing these spaces. The guidelines are the first section of updates to the Downtown Master Plan, which all focus on addressing community concerns while supporting downtown vitality, enhancing community character and improving livability.


Today, the City of Asheville is launching a survey to get community feedback on this topic.

Input provided through this survey will inform the Downtown Public Space Management Guidelines. The guidelines will serve as a framework for staff and policy-makers’ approach to public spaces, including prioritization, management practices and streetscape planning.


The survey will be available on Open City Hall Asheville through Sept. 23.

Thank you in advance for your participation!