Members of the public are invited to learn about three proposed changes to Asheville’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) at a series of upcoming information sessions. (Registration information is available on the City’s UDO Text Change Engagement Hub.)
These proposed revisions to the UDO are focused on updates to commercial district zoning standards, project level thresholds for new development, and minimum parking standards within the City’s transit supportive / commercial corridors. The proposed amendments do not change regulations within residential zoning districts.
On Wednesday, January 22, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed and approved the amendments unanimously in a 5-0 vote. City Council is currently scheduled to hold a public hearing on the amendments at their regular meeting on February 11, 2025.
In his presentation to the Planning & Zoning Commission, Assistant Planning and Urban Design Director Chris Collins shared that, “These amendments are supported by the Missing Middle Housing Study findings, and the goals and strategies of the Affordable Housing Plan… by removing barriers to housing production through changes to regulation.”
Collins also shared that public engagement on these proposed changes has been ongoing since before Tropical Storm Helene hit the region in September. A virtual Engagement Hub on the text change process was created to share information on each of the proposed amendments, collect public comments and questions on the proposals, and show upcoming dates and milestones.
The upcoming public information sessions provide opportunities for the community to learn more about the proposed amendments, ask questions and take information back to residents in their communities.
In-Person Information Session on Proposed UDO Text Amendments
Thursday, January 30, 2025
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
161 S Charlotte Street, Asheville (Free parking)
Public Works & Development Services building, room A109
The public is encouraged to pre-register in case of inclement weather cancellation
Virtual Information Session on Proposed UDO Text Amendments
Friday, January 31, 2025
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Virtual session via Google Meet
Participants must pre-register to receive the link to join the meeting.
Interested persons are encouraged to bookmark and visit this page for ongoing updates related to the Unified Development Ordinance: