City of Asheville helps coordinate growth through Infrastructure Task Force

Utility relocation that has been going on in Asheville’s River Arts District is being done in coordination with the City’s River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP). When it comes to regional utility and communications firms, Asheville’s Public Works and Water Resources departments take a collaborative approach to the growth going in in Asheville. Every six weeks, [...]

City of Asheville partners with NC Wildlife Resource Commission on new river access

A new river access point is being built on the French Broad River in Asheville’s River Arts District — a boat ramp on Riverside Drive just south of the Smith Bridge. The City of Asheville partnered with North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to make this project happen. While the ramp and dock are in place, construction [...]

Riverfront office takes open office hours to Southside community

Each third Thursday of the month the Riverfront Redevelopment Office hosts Open Office Hours. This month the team is going to be at the Dr. Wesley Grant Southside Center. From 3 to 5 p.m. February 16, please join us to talk about updates on the preconstruction and construction phasing. Utility work continues in the district [...]

Help name River Arts District creek

With the help of the City of Asheville, the River Arts District Business Association (RADBA), the River Arts District Artists (RADA) and the West End/Clingman Avenue Neighborhood (WECAN), RiverLink’s “Name That Creek” program aims to put another name on the Asheville map. This sixth Name That Creek campaign centers on a small stream that begins in [...]

City of Asheville to hold Tiger VI information session for prospective disadvantaged/minority contractors

ATTENTION MINORITY/HUB CONTRACTORS: Beverly-Grant/Barnhill, a 50/50 Joint Venture has been selected as the Construction Manager at Risk for the City of Asheville’s new Tiger VI Suite of Projects and will be conducting the following Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBEs) Informational Session. You are encouraged to attend the following session to learn more about project participation opportunities available to [...]

Asheville to demolish building yet preserve its artwork

The newest phase of riverfront redevelopment work in Asheville involves some building demolition on the Lyman Street corridor for the RADTIP project. RADTIP stands for River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project, a City of Asheville multi-modal transportation project that includes the installation of sidewalks, street trees, public art, bike lanes and greenways. It also includes realignment of some [...]

Historic structure in River Arts District to become community resource

A bricked-up building on Riverside Drive will find new life as a City of Asheville event space. The structure at 14 Riverside Drive, just across from Curve Studios, once served as a shop/office/storage facility for the Asheville Gas Company. It’s a contributing historic structure in the River Arts District. Gifted to the City of Asheville, transformation [...]

City of Asheville planners help host state conference with bike, riverfront and walking tours

At left is Riverfront Office Director Stephanie Monson Dahl. On the right is Asheville Greenways Coordinator Lucy Crown. Both will lead tours during the N.C. Planning Conference in Asheville this week. When the N.C. Planning Conference comes to Asheville this week, City of Asheville Planning staff will be embedded in the conference, hosting events and [...]

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