Asheville City Council to hold March 29 called meeting for closed session

Asheville City Council will hold a special called meeting at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 29, to go into closed session. During this session, Council will consult with the City Attorney and consider personnel matters.  Please find the meeting notice below. Contact City Clerk Maggie Burleson at with questions. The Asheville City Council Finance Committee will [...]

Asheville City Council to hold March 20 worksession

Asheville City Council will hold a worksession at 2 p.m. March 20 in the Council Chamber, second floor of City Hall, 70 Court Plaza. The agenda for the March 20 City Council worksession is available by clicking on this link. Among items on the agenda are Council discussion to set priorities to address policing in [...]

Adopted City budget is now online

Asheville residents see modest fee changes with new fiscal year, July 1 Fourteen cents per month. That’s how much most residents will pay in an increase for their stormwater services starting July 1. The City of Asheville’s fiscal year began July 1 and with it come some modest fee increases. Residents can find a list of all City [...]

Dashboard designed to make Asheville’s proposed budget more accessible

Municipal budgets can be tricky to follow. There are different types of costs — personnel, operations and capital. And there are many different types of revenues that help pay for those costs — property taxes, sales taxes, grants and fees to name a few. To make government budgets even harder to decipher, programs and departments [...]

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