Capital Projects ready to bring improvements and new life to Vermont Avenue

Vermont Ave scene

The first phase of the sidewalk replacement project on Vermont Ave has been completed. Now that the tree removal of the 11 identified trees has taken place, the installation of new, safe, and accessible sidewalks will be completed this summer. The new sidewalk will be installed around the preserved healthy trees before Halloween festivities take place on Vermont Avenue. Once the weather cools the installation of 33 new trees will take place this fall or winter to ensure that the new plantings will have an opportunity to establish themselves and add to the much loved urban tree canopy.

We acknowledge the loss of each of the 11 maple trees that occurred on February 21st.  We understand and appreciate that to the residents who have lived, and perhaps grown up next to these trees, they are a part of the neighborhood’s character, and are a beloved fixture.

Local residents have collected notable portions of the removed trees and are working with several local woodworkers to produce artistic keepsakes to keep the memories alive in a different manner.