Public invited to come downtown to engage in the planning process for the Haywood and Page properties

haywood page city owned properties


The City of Asheville is moving forward with the creation of a master concept plan for City-owned properties on Haywood Street and Page Avenue. The creation of this plan is the next step to implement the community vision for the properties outlined in the Haywood and Page Vision Report. Two public engagement sessions will take place on Oct. 24 at the U.S. Cellular Center Banquet Hall, 87 Haywood St., and on-site around the property.  


The sessions will be hosted by a team that includes Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects; economic strategist James Lima; local firm Samsel Architects; City staff; the Vision Implementation Committee (which is a community advisory board); and others. The goal of the two sessions is twofold.  First, the team will build a common understanding of the role this site has played — and can later play — in the social, economic and environmental history of Asheville. Second, they will gather input that will help the design team better translate the community vision into designs for the Haywood/Page properties. During the meetings attendees will work with the team on a mapping exercise before participating in a site walk with community representatives that includes key points of interest in and around the site. Feedback will be captured throughout.  


Schedule for Oct. 24 meetings

  • Meeting #1:
      • 1 p.m. — Meet at U.S. Cellular Center (Banquet Hall).  Presentation and mapping exercise.  
      • 2:15 p.m. — Transition to 68 Haywood St. Guided daytime site walk-through and food truck refreshments for attendees.


  • Meeting #2:
    • 5:30 p.m. — Meet at U.S. Cellular Center (Banquet Hall). Presentation and mapping exercise.  
    • 6:45 p.m. — Transition to 68 Haywood St. Guided nighttime site walk-through and food truck refreshments for attendees.  


Come when you can, even if it’s not on time! Attendees will receive a ticket for use at an on-site food truck of their choice. Parking in the Civic Center Garage is free of charge — attendees should see staff for a validation ticket. The meeting site is a five minute walk from the ART Transit Station on Coxe Avenue; Routes N and N1 have stops adjacent to the meeting site. Registration is appreciated, but not required. Register here.


City staff will continue to invite the public to engage in this process as the project moves forward.  A copy of the presentation, the site walk map, and information on the mapping exercise will be provided on the City’s website in November. A form allowing public comment will also be available, and that information will be regularly shared with the design team, the public, and City Council. 


For more information, please visit this link on the City of Asheville website.