Asheville Police, Fire Department officers to participate in Carolina Brotherhood Ride

Firefighters and police officers from North and South Carolina will cycle approximately 460 miles in five days to pay tribute to fallen brothers and sisters from the Carolinas. Riders will head out on July 25 from Columbia, S.C., and will end their journey on July 29 Raleigh.

Several Asheville Firefighters and Asheville Police Officers are among this year’s riders and support crew. Local riders will head out around 8:30 a.m. July 24.

In support of loved ones left behind, this rolling tribute relies on donations, support and sponsorships as the means of obtaining their goal. People can help the riders reach their goal by linking up to the Carolina Brotherhood website at to make a donation, buy T-shirts, or contact a member about sponsorship. They can also go to this website to track the riders during their journey.

Follow the ride on Twitter @ashevillefd or @carolinabhood.