We’re asking you: What tools would help Asheville residents stay informed about development

Photo of construction cranes

The City of Asheville wants to help residents stay informed about development projects by connecting residents to information about proposed projects as well as the review and approval process.

The City has several online tools already available to help people find information about development projects, such as the City’s Technical Review Committee project map.

To help tailor notification and access of information to residents’ needs, City staff is considering building a new tool to help people access data about proposed development projects. Your participation in a survey this month on Open City Hall Asheville would help inform development of a new notification tool.


This tool would connect residents with information about large-scale development projects such as:

  • Subdivisions;
  • Projects requiring rezoning;
  • Projects with public hearings;
  • Large apartment complexes and commercial buildings, and;
  • Projects that are reviewed by City Council.


Please take the survey at this link.

Your participation will help City staff understand what kind of information you would like to have and how you would like to access it.

The survey will remain open through Oct. 28.

Thank you for your time!