Volunteer Opportunity: Be a Bus Ambassador!


There’s a natural connection between public transportation and interacting with people. Riding the bus sparks conversation and fosters real face time with others in the community. Now, the City of Asheville is looking for volunteers who have the knack for both to be “Bus Ambassadors” and help us introduce riders to the changes that are part of the new upgraded ART Transit System.

As the May 21 roll out date approaches, the City of Asheville has been engaging with the community to unveil the new routes, increased service frequencies and other changes that are part of the implementation of the first phase of the Transportation Master Plan. A touring gallery of new maps, route information and Google Transit demonstration has been making the rounds throughout City of Asheville neighborhoods to let people know about coming enhancements.

“We have had some very successful events and we have more planned, but what we need now are people from the community to help us spread the word about the great changes we’re going to see,” said Transportation Planner Mariate Echeverry.

In the weeks surrounding the rollout, volunteer bus ambassadors will be stationed on buses and at the downtown Asheville transit center to provide tips and answer questions and help other riders get acquainted with the new system.

No experience is necessary and everyone is encouraged to take part; volunteers will take part in a training session about enhancements like Google Transit and route optimization and be equipped with maps, FAQ’s and a cool ART systems map T-shirt they can keep.

“This is a great opportunity for fans of multi-modal transportation, whether it is biking, walking or bus riding, to volunteer and show support for improving public transit.” Echeverry said. “You can come out and have fun, learn something new and help build the community’s awareness of transportation alternatives.”

To sign up as a volunteer, log in at handsonasheville.org or email iride@ashevillenc.gov for more information.