VIDEO: Aston Park Hosts Asheville Open Tennis Championship, features new park amenities

Asheville Open tennis ribbon

Asheville Parks and Recreation hosted the 88th Asheville Open Tennis Championships at Aston Park Tennis Center July 10-14 for adults and July 19-21 for juniors.  Over eight days of tournament play, 284 players competed in various age divisions as 374 matches were played on the 12 clay courts at Aston Park.


Highlights of this year’s tournament included a color guard/national anthem ceremony held on court as well as a ribbon cutting of the park enhancements made possible through the USTA Fed Cup donation for Aston Park Tennis Center.


These enhancements include new bleachers, shade structures, outlets and amenities such as chairs and tables for viewing comfort.  Click the video below to see highlights of the Asheville Open Tennis Tournament!

NCTennis_AshevilleTennisAssoication_2019_AO Moments from Milepost 355, Inc. on Vimeo.

Aston Park Tennis Center is a public tennis facility located at 313 Hilliard Ave, Asheville, NC 28801. There are 12 public, clay tennis courts that are lighted for maximum play.

You can contact this tennis facility at 828-251-4074 for more information.