Thanksgiving Click It or Ticket campaign to kick off

North Carolina’s Thanksgiving Click It or Ticket campaign will run from Nov. 22-30. The program, a statewide partnership between local agencies and the Governor’s Highway Safety Program, aims to increase seat belt and child safety use rates through increased enforcement of the state’s seat belt law.
On Nov. 23, the Asheville Police Department (APD) and the Asheville Fire Department (AFD), with the assistance of the Reynolds and Skyland Fire Departments, will kick-off the campaign by participating in events throughout the day. These events will focus on promoting seat belt and child safety seat use.
The schedule for the day is as follows:

  • 7 to 8:30 a.m. – Oakley Elementary School: Officers will be present to hand out brochures on child safety seat education to parents and guardians in the drop-off line. Buckle Bear, Sparky and McGruff will be there to greet kids getting off the buses in the morning. At 8:15 a.m., APD and AFD will present a Buckle Bear video to kindergarten classes.
  • 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. – AC Reynolds Middle School: APD will be conducting an obstacle course with sixth-graders during their physical education class. Part of the obstacle course will involve car seats with seat belts attached. This will teach students how easy and quickly you can properly put your seat belts on.
  • 11:30 to noon – Roger McGuire Park: Media event with representatives from the Governor’s Highway Safety Program, Chief Hooper and Sheriff Duncan. Speakers will focus on the importance of seat belt usage.
  • 1:30 to 3 p.m. – TC Robertson High School: APD, AFD and representatives from the Governor’s Highway Safety Program will speak with 11th-graders about seat belt safety. Following the presentation students will sign a banner making a promise to wear their seat belt. The banner will be displayed at the high school. When school lets out, officers and firefighters will be handing out a small gift to student drivers who are buckled up.

For additional information regarding the Click It or Ticket campaign, or the Governor’s Highway Safety Program, please visit the NC Department of Transportation website.