Start the new year by serving on an Asheville citizen advisory board

Do you want to have a voice in the City’s growth and future? Have you wondered, “Can the City benefit from my experience and knowledge?”

If you answered yes, then take that initial step forward and put your perspective, leadership and knowledge to work by serving on one of the many City of Asheville advisory committees.

The City of Asheville has various openings on various committees, listed below. The deadline for receiving applications for these openings is 5 p.m. Jan. 4, 2017.

Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 828-259-5839 or by e-mail at for an application form.


Board of Adjustment: This board hears and decides applications for approval of variances from the terms of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), except where the UDO places responsibility for hearing or considering such a variance with another body; hears and decides appeals from any order, requirement, permit, decision, or determination issued or made by an administrative officer of the City in enforcing any provisions of the UDO; serves as the City’s Housing Code Appeals Board; and performs such additional powers and duties as may be set forth elsewhere in the UDO and in other laws and regulations.


Board of Electrical Examiners: This vacancy is for a licensed engineer. The members of the Board examine applicants for licenses for the transaction of other related business.


Firemen’s Relief Fund: The responsibilities of the board are to have entire control of the funds derived from the provisions of Article 188 of the N.C. General Statutes and to disburse the funds in accordance with the statutes. Find more information about the fund here.


Historic Resources Commission: Some duties of the commission include (1) recommend to City Council and County Commissioners “historic districts” and “landmarks”; (2) restoring, preserving and operating historic properties; (3) recommend to City Council and County Commissioners that designation of historic districts to be revoked or removed for cause; and (4) review and act upon proposals for alterations, demolitions, or new construction within historic districts, or for alteration or demolition of designated landmarks. Members shall have a demonstrated special interest, experience or education in history, archeology, architecture or related fields.


Metropolitan Sewerage District Board: The members oversee the operation of the Metropolitan Sewerage District, as well as holding hearings on issues at hand.


Riverfront Area Redevelopment Commission: Applicants must specify on their application if they are a property or business over in the Riverfront District and if so provide business name and address. Two vacancies are for a property or business owner in the Riverfront; and one is for an at-large seat.

The commission shall (1) recommend to the City and County an overall policy for the continued development and sustainability of the regional riverfront; (2) provide recommendations to the City and County for effective management of the public resources for the districts; (3) actively pursue and assist private sector investments in the districts; and (4) cooperate with, evaluate and represent the recommendations of other organizations, including but not limited to, property owners, merchants, residents, businesses, tenant, nonprofits, institutions and other members of the riverfront and regional riverfront district communities.


Soil Erosion/Stormwater Review Committee: The committee hears appeals from the Stormwater Administrator.


Sustainability Advisory Committee on Energy and the Environment: This committee will undertake initiatives, at a City level, and participate in the larger community and regional discussions to improve the environment, encourage green development and support the development of a healthy community.


Tree Commission: The purpose of the Tree Commission is to foster the preservations, planting, replacement and removal of trees without denying the reasonable use and enjoyment of real property. The commission’s responsibilities include: facilitating the planting, growth and protection of trees within the City; foster the communication and coordination among the City that would provide the needed support for the protection of trees within the City; conduct continuing research, planning and feasibility assessments required to support the purposes of the commission; and to work with City staff to promote and enforce Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Asheville regarding the regulation of planting, protection, preservation and removal of trees.