Share your feedback on ‘AVL Shares Space’ outdoor expansion initiatives

Wall St parklet
Diners on Wall Street access outdoor space provided as part of the AVL Shares Space program.


The City of Asheville is seeking public feedback on temporary initiatives launched in the spring of 2020 to support safe business operations and customer access during COVID-19. These initiatives have enabled over 100 businesses and organizations in Asheville to quickly expand outdoors into adjacent public spaces and parking lots. 


Take the survey here


The AVL Shares Space initiatives include the following:

  • “Shared Streets” (pedestrian priority environment and use of on-street parking spaces along a corridor)
  • Temporary Parklets (use of on-street parking spaces)
  • Expansion on private lots (i.e. parking lots)
  • Expansion on public sidewalks 
  • 10-minute curbside pick-up zones


While these temporary initiatives were launched in response to specific needs during the pandemic, the City would like to collect public feedback on the successes and impacts of each initiative to assess possibilities for longer-term programs. The survey will remain open through September 20. (Participating businesses are being surveyed separately.)


More information about each initiative, as well as goals and objectives of the program, can be found at