Road milling in advance of paving to begin on Charlotte Street this week

Charlotte Street road diet art
Here is a rendering of the Charlotte Street road diet and safety enhancements.


The construction phase of the Charlotte Street road diet is underway and the timeline is being adjusted to do the work during the day rather than at night. There have been significant reductions in traffic volumes on Charlotte Street because of the COVID-19 pandemic, so the City has worked with its contractor to revise the work schedule. The goal of the change is to complete the work more quickly with less disruption to the surrounding neighbors and businesses.  Working in daylight is also safer for the construction workers and people using the street.  

The project is expected to be complete by the end of May. As with all construction, progress depends on weather conditions.  

The new schedule includes: 

  • April 22-25 — Milling of old roadway will occur.
  • April 27-May 1 — Manhole adjustments and adjustments to signal loops.
  • May 4-9 — Paving. 
  • May 11-20 — Striping and final signals. 


Completion of spot sidewalk improvements to support pedestrian safety and ADA accessibility should wrap up in the next two weeks.



Council allocated $1.25 million for the design and construction of this project. This Capital Improvement Project will include milling and repaving Charlotte Street as well as a 4- to 3-lane conversion from approximately Chestnut Street to Edwin Place. Other components of the project include bike access improvements and spot sidewalk safety improvements.

For more information on this project, please visit this link.