Riverfront Office hosts drop-in Q&A at City Hall

Thursday, Sept. 17, and every third Thursday of the month, the City of Asheville’s Riverfront Office hosts open office hours where members of the community can drop in and find out what is going on with Riverfront development.

Staff can answer your questions or provide you with an overview of what is happening now. Interested? The drop-in open office takes place from 3-5 pm. on the fifth floor of Asheville City Hall, again the third Thursday of each month.

For more information, visit ashevillenc.gov/RiverfrontRedevelopment. Or contact Stephanie Monson Dahl, Riverfront Office Director, at 828-232-4502 or SMonson@ashevillenc.gov.

Photo above: 

Stephanie Monson Dahl, center, serves as the City of Asheville’s Riverfront Office Director. She is flanked here by other members of Riverfront development City staff.