Residents invited to virtual meetings on Asheville greenway and pedestrian master plans this week; survey to open too



The City of Asheville’s Transportation Department is working on updates to the Greenway and Pedestrian Master Plans plus creating an ADA Plan for Public Rights of Way (i.e. streets and sidewalks).  The planning process is at an intermediate point in the process.  The initial assessments and public input is complete and a draft plan is ready for review.


There will be two meetings discussing the plans and introducing how to provide feedback with our new online survey.  The two meetings will be the same, there is no need to attend both.  The virtual meeting times are:

  • Wednesday, August 25, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. (This meeting will be recorded and posted with the survey on the Close the GAP project page for anyone who wants to listen at their convenience) Meeting link  [Meeting has passed – find project information here]
  • Friday, August 27, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Meeting link  [Meeting has passed – find project information here]



The City of Asheville would like your feedback about where we are in the Close the GAP Planning Process. In this survey we will ask a series of questions about you and your walking and wheeling needs on Asheville’s streets and greenways.

Responses will be accepted through October 1. 

Take the Close the GAP Survey



Additionally, the Transportation Department would like to meet with neighborhood groups to discuss what the GAP Plans can do for you and hear your comments. Please contact Lucy Crown at to find out more information about the plans and to organize a time to meet with your neighborhood. 

“People ask me why it is so important to provide feedback for a plan that doesn’t directly lead to construction,” said Lucy Crown, the Greenway Planner for the City of Asheville, “Master Plans are guiding documents that help staff in the Transportation Department organize, prioritize and queue projects up for construction. If you would like better pedestrian facilities in your neighborhood, it is important to get it on the master plan now. If a project is not in the master plan, it is unlikely to be constructed. It is really important for staff to know what desires and concerns neighborhoods have regarding their transportation needs. YOU know more about your neighborhood streets and walking than anyone else, that is why it is so important we hear from you!”