NAMI Western Carolina Awards Asheville Police Officer with Distinguished Award

Officer Booth with plaque
APD Senior Police Officer Justin Booth, holding plaque, is surrounded by his fellow officers and Interim Chief Robert White as he receives his award.

On Dec. 5, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Western Carolina affiliate awarded the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Officer of the Year for 2019. The Asheville Police Department (APD) is honored that NAMI WC recognized Senior Police Officer (SPO) Justin Booth.

SPO Booth has been with the Asheville Police Department since 2008. He is an active member of the Crisis Negotiation Team.

Since 2010, NAMI Western Carolina has annually recognized CIT trained officers for their efforts to foster collaboration and compassion to assist those affected by mental illness and to increase knowledge about mental illness in order to eliminate stigma.

NAMI Western Carolina is an affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. For more information visit