N. Lexington mid-block crosswalk construction begins Monday 9/24

City of Asheville Engineering Services crews will begin construction on a new crosswalk at North Lexington Avenue on Monday, Sept. 24. The mid-block crosswalk, to be located in the vicinity of 65 N. Lexington, is a much-needed street element that has been requested by surrounding business owners and pedestrians to make crossing easier and safer on that portion of the street.

Crews will modify the existing “bulb out” on the East side of the road to include an ADA compliant handicap ramp. On the West side of the road, the crew will construct a new bulb out that will include a 7′ wide ADA compliant handicap ramp and two “landscape corners”. The ramps will be constructed of concrete and will tie into the existing brick sidewalk surface. Sections of granite curbing removed on the West side of the street will be reincorporated into the project.

Construction will begin Monday morning and is estimated to take about three weeks to complete.