Meet people and get moving with adult rec leagues

man and women on knees on sand volleyball court

Whether you’re looking to stay active, meet new people, or bond with the friends you already have, Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) offers a variety of fun adult sports leagues for all skill levels. Built on principles of cooperation and teamwork, thousands of locals play volleyball, softball, tennis, basketball, flag football, and more each year.

What makes APR adult leagues different? They’re safe, welcoming, and organized with experienced, impartial referees and umpires where the focus is on building community through healthy competition. If you’re interested in getting paid to ref, contact or (828) 251-4026.

Upcoming Leagues

Registration is open Feb.1-Feb 28 for adult softball (co-ed and men’s) and Feb. 15-March 8 for flag football (co-ed) leagues. Each league features upper, middle, and lower divisions so you can sign up for the level of play that’s right for your team. You can also register as a free agent to join a team with open spots on its roster.

Register Now

Save the date for upcoming registration: 

  • March 13 – Beginner Tennis Clinics
  • April 17 – 6v6 Sand Volleyball
  • April 17 – Co-ed Doubles Sand Volleyball
  • May 1 – 4v4 Adult Basketball

More Info?

Contact Maria Young at or (828) 251-4026. For additional programs, events, and opportunities offered by APR, check out the current program guide.