It’s okay to have fun at work!

summer camp counselor playing in bubbles with 3 girls

Nothing compares to a summer spent outdoors in Asheville’s parks counseling day campers, bringing games and sports directly to neighborhoods, and hosting community events like Movies in the Park. Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) is looking for a team of superstars who want to earn $7,200 over 12 weeks while changing lives – including their own. Exploring your fun side is literally a job requirement!

What to Expect

group of kids preparing to go rafting wearing life jackets and helmetsSummer recreation team members spend their days hiking, swimming, leading games, going on field trips, creating arts and crafts, and serving as role models to rising first through ninth graders. APR hosts day camps focused on general/traditional programs, as well as outdoor experiences, sports and athletics, therapeutic recreation, and specialized topics like gaming, STEM, and more. For those who thrive outside the camp setting, the Rec n Roll play van hosts free games, sports, and crafts around town throughout the summer.

We’re looking to build a diverse team that reflects our campers. Maybe you’ve got particular interests like anime or disc golf. Maybe you have special skills like speaking Spanish or ASL. On the job training, CPR and first aid certification, personal growth, strengthened leadership skills, uniform shirts, and special access to internal APR job postings are all included with the experience.

How to Apply

If you want to learn new things about yourself and end the summer with stories that last for years to come, applying takes less than 10 minutes. You’ll find yourself inspired by campers and bonding with other team members while helping make Asheville a better place for the next generation of leaders. Find out more and apply below.

Apply Now

Have questions? Email or call (828) 259-5800. Visit the City of Asheville’s job board to explore all opportunities to work with APR.

Compensation is calculated before taxes and based on working 40 hours per week at $15 per hour from May 30-Aug. 18. For employment that begins after May 30 or ends before Aug. 18, subtract $600 for each week. Employment might also be extended beyond Aug. 18 by mutual agreement and based on community needs. This position is temporary/seasonal and will not be eligible for benefits, paid leave time (vacation, sick, holiday), or participation in the retirement system.