Help shape Asheville by serving on a City board or commission

virtual meeting


Looking for a way to get involved in local government and play a part in shaping the future of Asheville? Serving on a City of Asheville board or commission is a great place to start.


Through a variety of boards and commissions established by Asheville City Council, citizens can provide input on the policies that shape their government and their city. There are currently more than 30 boards and commissions that advise the Mayor and City Council on an array of issues.

Put your perspective, leadership and knowledge to work by serving on one of many City advisory committees. Being on a board or commission does require a significant personal commitment, however, so applicants should consider their ability to commit their time and personal energy before applying.

Currently there are openings on five committees or boards. For safety, during the COVID-19 pandemic boards and commissions are meeting remotely through the City’s Virtual Engagement Hub.

For an application form, please visit of City’s Boards and Commissions webpage or contact the City Clerk’s Office at 828-259-5839 or

Unless otherwise stated, the application deadline for these vacancies is 5 p.m. April 5.


Current openings

AUDIT COMMITTEE – There are two openings. One is for a Certified Public Accountant.  Please note experience in application. The committee: 1) Reviews internal audits reports; 2) Reviews with management and the external auditors the results of the financial statements audit; 3) Reports to City Council about committee activities, issues, and related recommendations as needed, but at a minimum, one time a year; and 4) Provides an open avenue of communication between internal audit, the external auditors, and City Council.

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT – The current vacancy is for an alternate seat. The Board functions as a quasi-judicial board to (1) hear and decide applications for approval of variances from the terms of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), except where the UDO places responsibility for hearing or considering such a variance with another body; (2) hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, permit, decision, or determination issued or made by an administrative officer of the City in enforcing any provisions of the UDO; (3) serves as the City’s Housing Code Appeals Board; and (4) performs such additional powers and duties as may be set forth elsewhere in the UDO and in other laws and regulations.

MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY CAPITAL FUND OPERATING COMMITTEE – There are two openings. Sponsored by The City of Asheville, Buncombe County, Self-Help Ventures Fund (“Self-Help”), Carolina Small Business, and Mountain BizWorks, the Mountain Community Capital Fund (MCCF) is aimed at providing debt financing to small business enterprises within the city of Asheville and Buncombe County.

PUBLIC ART AND CULTURAL COMMISSION – The Commission is responsible for promoting and maintaining art displays in public buildings and public spaces in the City of Asheville.  In addition the Commission (1) facilitates public art in public buildings and public spaces; (2) engages the creative sector as a major attraction for artists, cultural tourism and economic development; (3) encourages public confidence for and appreciation of the arts in Asheville; (4) works to build partnerships and collaborations throughout Asheville’s creative community; and (5) aids in strengthening the organizational structure of public and cultural arts delivery.  The Public Art and Cultural Commission shall follow its Public Art Policy and Implementation Guidelines as modified and/or amended every five years; and (6) recommends to City Council the acceptance of works of art. 

 TRANSIT COMMITTEE – The Committee functions as an advisory board to the Multimodal Transportation Commission and to the City staff on matters affecting the transit system and its operation. The Transit Committee consists of at least seven members and up to eleven members. All Transit Committee members are appointed by the Multimodal Transportation Commission. The term of office is three years. This vacancy is open until filled.

Notice: For an application form, please visit the Transit webpage, or contact Eunice Lovi at for more information.


Application process

Determine which board or commission interests you. Board and commission meetings are open to the public, so potential applicants are encouraged to sit in on monthly meetings. Meeting dates, times and locations vary, and are available on individual web pages.


Qualifications for appointees to boards and commissions shall be residents of the City of Asheville, unless otherwise specified or provided for by law or Council action.


Complete an application by filling out the board or commission application form. 

Confirm receipt, after your application is received, you will receive a receipt of application e-mail. If you do not receive that receipt within a day after submittal, please contact to make sure that your application has reached the City Clerk’s Office.


When vacancies occur, the City Council will review the resource list and schedule interviews. You will be contacted directly if it is necessary for you to interview for an appointment.


Wait for a vacancy if one is not currently open. Once an application is received, the City will place your name on the resource list for the particular board. Applications are held on file for consideration for one year. Want to be notified when new vacancies are announced? Contact to be added to the distribution list.