Get involved: City of Asheville has openings on six committees

People in meeting

Do you want to have a voice in the City of Asheville’s growth and future? Have you wondered, “Can the City benefit from my experience and knowledge?”

If you’ve answered yes to these questions, here are some opportunities for you to get involved and provide local leadership. The City of Asheville has openings on six committees, listed below.


To apply contact City Clerk Maggie Burleson at 828-259-5601 or The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. July 20.


African American Heritage Commission: The Commission shall have the following powers and duties: (a) Develop rules for the conduct of its business, including but not limited to meeting schedules, election of officers, voting, subcommittees, et al.; (2) Develop a plan to identify, create, encourage, promote and implement projects that will recognize, increase and expand the awareness of the contributions of African-Americans throughout the City-County area; and (3) Create plans to identify and recognize sites in the community that are significant to African-American history; encourage and promote economic activity related to the African American community; and propose other projects that are consistent with the goals of the Commission.


Citizens-Police Advisory Committee: The responsibilities of the Committee include serving as liaison between the police and community over concern; to mediate problems or conflicts; to serve as an advocate for programs, ideas, and methods to improve the relationship between the police and the community; and to disseminate information to the community and to the government officials in Asheville.

Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee: The City of Asheville will be undertaking a 15 to 17 month process to update the City of Asheville Comprehensive Plan. The plan will act as a resource for policy decisions by reflecting the community’s vision for the location and form of future development, while ensuring sufficient infrastructure, parks and other community services. The city has retained the services of Skidmore Owings and Merrill (SOM) to lead this effort. SOM will work with city staff to facilitate the planning process, which will include extensive public engagement.


The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is to set forth goals and policy opportunities for sustainable growth and development over the next 10-20 years and beyond.  The plan will include strategies related to land use, multimodal transportation, economic development, social equity, infrastructure, housing, livability, placemaking, open space, climate change adaptation, and sustainability.


Scope of the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee:  SOM will work with city staff to form an Advisory Team to provide input and feedback on the planning and public engagement process. The Advisory Team will represent a broad diversity of interests on topics relevant to the Comprehensive Plan and will have representation, at minimum, from the following committees/organizations (in no particular order), plus three at-large members:


  • Planning and Zoning Committee;
  • African American Heritage Committee;
  • City of Asheville Recreation Board;
  • Asheville Downtown Commission;
  • Historic Resources Commission of Asheville & Buncombe County (HRC);
  • Public Art and Cultural Commission (PACC);
  • Buncombe County liaison;
  • Downtown Commission;
  • Sustainability Advisory Committee on Energy and the Environment (SACEE);
  • Asheville Multi-modal Transportation Commission;
  • Asheville Affordable Housing Advisory Committee;
  • Neighborhood Advisory Committee; and
  • Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce.


With respect to the at-large member seats, preference will be given to candidates who broaden the diversity of interests represented on the committee.


The Advisory Committee will be involved throughout the community visioning process. The scope of the Advisory Committee includes, at a minimum, the following tasks:


  • Attend a workshop with SOM’s Planning Team and city staff during the Assessment Phase of the project to review deliverables related to data collection, benchmarking and public/stakeholder engagement.
  • Attend 2 workshops with SOM’s Planning Team and city staff during the Strategy and Vision Phase of the project to provide input on strategies related to public engagement, economic development, physical opportunity scenarios and the establishment of Asheville’s Principles and Goals.
  • Attend a teleconference with SOM’s Planning Team and city staff at the Draft Comprehensive Plan Phase of the project to review a draft progress package and attend a follow-up workshop with SOM’s Planning Team and city staff to review and comment on the final draft of the Plan.
  • Attend a workshop with SOM’s Planning Team and city staff for a presentation on the Final Comprehensive Plan.


      Additional responses to the questions below MUST BE included with each application: 

  1. What do you see as the major challenges facing Asheville in the next 10 years?
  2. What do you see as the major opportunities available to Asheville in the next 10 years?
  3. Do you have any affiliation with an existing City of Asheville board or commission?  If so, please indicate the Board or Commission.


Neighborhood Advisory Committee: The Committee was established to advise the City Council on neighborhoods within the City of Asheville’s zoning and planning jurisdiction. The Commission shall have the following powers and duties: (1) Develop rules and by-laws for the conduct of its business, including but not limited to meeting schedules, officers, voting, sub-committees; (2) Develop a plan to strengthen neighborhood identity and resilience, and to facilitate communication and cooperation between Asheville’s neighborhoods and City offices; (3) Develop benchmarks and standards by which progress towards implementing the plan can be measured; and (4) Work on special projects that are consistent with the goals of the committee, as assigned or directed by Council.


Sustainability Advisory Committee on Energy and the Environment (SACEE): This Committee will undertake initiatives, at a City level and participate in the larger community and regional discussions, to improve the environment, encourage green development, and support the development of a healthy community.


Tree Commission: The purpose of the Tree Commission is to foster the preservation, planting, replacement and removal of trees without denying the reasonable use and enjoyment of real property.  The Commission’s responsibilities include: facilitate the planting, growth and protection of trees within the City; foster the communication and coordination among the citizens of the City that would provide the needed support for protection of trees within the City; conduct continuing research, planning and feasibility assessments required to support the purposes of the Commission; and work with City staff to promote and enforce Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Asheville regarding the regulation of planting, protection, preservation and removal of trees.