Everyone invited to Asheville equitable development workshop

You’re invited to a workshop about supporting equitable development in Asheville. The event is set for 6 p.m. July 16 at the Grant Center, 285 Livingston St.
This community meeting offers an opportunity for everyone to come and learn more about equitable development and to share their ideas. The focus areas for this workshop are neighborhoods and businesses East of the Riverway, which include Hillcrest, WECAN, South French Broad, Livingston, Walton, Southside, Lee Walker Heights and the River Arts District.

What is equitable development? Equitable outcomes result by integrating smart growth, environmental justice and equitable development approaches to design and build healthy, sustainable and inclusive neighborhoods.
In Spartanburg, S.C., for example, residents partnered with local government, federal agencies and industry stakeholders to create new housing, parks, business and health clinics where brownfields and abandoned buildings once existed.

Your knowledge of Asheville is needed to help make this event a success. You are encouraged to attend and share your thoughts about the community’s needs and goals.

The workshop is supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities program. Asheville is one of 22 communities in 18 states that are receiving assistance this summer through the Building Blocks program.

“This project builds upon the work that resulted from the East of the Riverway Sustainable Communities Initiative,” said Tara Irby, Outreach Coordinator for Asheville’s Planning and Community Development. “The City didn’t want the work of sustainability to stop in these areas once the grant was over, nor did community members. We continue to look for opportunities to build upon and continue the work. This Building Blocks grant allows us to do just that.”

To learn more about the Building Blocks program, please visit www2.epa.gov/smart-growth.
We hope you can join us. If you have questions, please contact Sasha Vrtunski at (828) 259-5560, svrtunski@ashevillenc.gov or Tara Irby at 828-232-4599, tirby@ashevillenc.gov.